Bridge Integrated Primary School

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70 Ballygown Road, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3EL

02840 662055

Bridge Integrated Primary School

Educating resilient, reflective, resourceful, respectful learners

Ditch the Dark Day 4th December 2015


Our 2nd Ditch the Dark Day took place on Friday 4th December 2015.

This initiative is supported by Sustrans and aims to raise Road Safety Awareness and Active School Travel. At the same time it promotes a healthier environment.

Dave, our Sustrans representative, visited the school for a motivational talk and prize giving of our Bronze Award and urged us to work towards our silver award. The level of participation from Parents and Pupils was most encouraging . There was a noticeable impact on the traffic situation .

As you will see from the photographs taken, the pupils enjoyed the occasion.

A huge thank you is due to all who took part. We are aware that a venture such as this does not happen without forward planning and additional effort on everyone’s part. Thankfully the weather conditions were on our side and helped to make the day a success.  


Click on the images below to enlarge them.

Below are the Ditch the Dark class winners:

P1SM Grace,  P1TM Erin

P2W Zach & Rose,  P2D Carter

P3S/D Olivia,  P3D Grace

P4W Maisie,  P4B/S Kenzie

P5R Charlize,  P5W Paige

P6S Megan,  P6T Oliver

P7Y/D Connor,  P7R Matthew