Bridge Integrated Primary School

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70 Ballygown Road, Banbridge, County Down BT32 3EL

02840 662055

Bridge Integrated Primary School

Educating resilient, reflective, resourceful, respectful learners

Comfy Read Day  


Pupils and staff enjoyed a fun-filled day of reading on Friday the 28th November 2014.  Pupils and staff came to school with their favourite books and wore their pyjamas or onesies to celebrate reading for enjoyment.  Football coaches from EVO's Soccer, Jonathan Tuffy, Gordon from The Windsor, Mrs Fullerton - local poet and grandparent and Mr Waring from our Board of Governors came as positive role models to read to each class.  The pupils really enjoyed being read to by our visitors and we really appreciate how they gave of their valuable time to support our school.

Pupils with the help of their parents worked hard throughout the week carrying out a variety of reading activities such as; taking a photo of themselves reading in an unusual place, making bookmarks, reading television listings, road signs etc...

Below is just a snapshot of the classes.

Please click on the images below to enlarge.