Celebrating Integration at Stormont
As part of the work Primary 7 carried out for Integrated Education week they prepared speeches on what integration and the theme of bridges meant to them. Those P7 pupils who chose to presented their speeches to their year group and Mrs Devlin, Mrs Young and Mrs Roleston. From these pupils 8 were selected as possibilities to be presented at Stormont. All of the speeches presented by the pupils were of a high standard
ON Friday 7th March Mrs Devlin and Mrs Roleston had the absolute pleasure of accompanying 8 pupils to Stormont two of whom would speak. Robyn Humphries and Finn Sowerby presented their thoughts on Integrated Education and the theme of bridges to representatives from NICIE, Local government representatives and pupils and staff from other integrated schools. The standard of these speeches and the way in which they were presented was outstanding. We are all very proud and humbled by what these two individuals achieved. This was an amazing experience for Robyn and Finn and the other pupils who attended. Well done Robyn and Finn.
The proud representatives for Bridge IPS...who certainly lived up to the task.
Robyn and Finn delivered their wonderful speeches with confidence and conviction.
Time to relax and enjoy a cup of tea...and the surroundings!